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Events & Workshops



 10am - 11:30am 

 Conscious Collective Health


Do you feel stuck or blocked in your life?


Do you have frequent moments of anxiety, sadness, anger or sporadic mood swings?


Do you find it hard to release control and trust you can get everything you desire?


Do you need help coming back to the happy version of yourself?


What if I could teach you HOW to unblock yourself and return back to the version of yourself you DESIRE? 


  • 1.5-hour workshop on Body Healing and Connection to travel deeper in your self-discovery journey

  • Acupuncture will help open the body and remove stuck emotions.

  • Hypnotherapy can help align you with the best version of yourself and reprogram subconscious beliefs.

  • In this workshop, I will be focusing on the theme of CONNECTION with yourself and your community. We will explore how connection helps us heal and expand.


*we use needles and stickie tacs for the Acupuncture

*Please bring your own yoga mat, pillow, and blanket, & journal to the event. 


Date: TBA

Location: Conscious Collective Health

Time: 10 am- 11:30 am

Investment: 55$ (plus tax) 


Click HERE to claim your spot 




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